Its a Borse, Of Course
The Forward weighs in on the Jack Abramoff case with a very weighty and important issue:
Lobbyist’s Black Hat Is a Borsalino From Brooklyn
Unfortunately, since Sept. 11, 2001, our federal government has acted as if we were “guilty as charged.” To appease our American friends, we have adopted every idiotic airline security measure asked of us...In other words, we are the "child" who is doing what our "parent" is telling us to do regarding post 9-11 security. But like my friend along time ago, he doesn't understand. Canada is not doing "America's bidding". Canada can and does make its own independant decisions. As 9-11 made abundantly clear, the security measures that were in place before were inadequate. As Mr. Mamann himself says:
The fact is that the 9/11 hijackers were admitted to the U.S. by U.S. border officials. Not by ours. While sympathy is due, we bear absolutely no culpability for these events.If that is true, then security needed to be upgraded and it has been upgraded. What that also means is that not only does it make sense for the Americans to do so, it also makes sense for Canada to do so. Because while the 9-11 hijackers did not come from Canada into the US, there is nothing to make us believe that terrorists and their supporters would not try to do so at all in the future. That being the case, I think someone else needs to take off their blinders and realize that Canada does not just simply bow to the wishes of the US but that, believe it or not, the Americans may actually be right. Mr. Mamann followed this same logic last year when I commented about his article on the Jeremy Hinzman case. His belief there as to why no politician would make any statement of public policy on US soldier "refugee" claimants was simply due to them not wanted to "anger our friends to the south" and in failing to do so have not made "public policy that defines who we are as a people".